People backpacking along the Lost Coast of California.

California Explorer

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Tuition $5,295





Jul 8 - Jul 28

Backpack, Hike, Surf, Whitewater Raft

Arrival Location

San Francisco, CA

Departure Location

San Francisco, CA


Tent Camping

Trip Overview

As one of our more ambitious adventures for 7th-8th graders, embark on two different  backpacking trips: one on the Pacific Coast, and the other in Yosemite National Park! These backcountry sections give you the chance to truly experience outdoor living by carrying everything you need on your back for several days, escaping the crowds, and finding serene beauty within our cherished public lands. Cool off by spending a few days in the water learning to surf and splashing through rapids while whitewater rafting!

Request More Info


  • Backpack Yosemite National Park – 4 days (overnight)
  • Backpack the Lost Coast – 5 days (overnight)
  • Whitewater Raft the American River – 1 day
  • Explore Golden Gate Recreation Area – 1 day
  • Explore Santa Cruz – 1 day
  • Surf Half Moon Bay – 2 days

Trip Price Includes

  • Accommodations
  • Activities
  • Meals
  • Group gear

Not Included

  • Personal gear and clothing
  • Airfare to and form the trip start and end
I thought this was a great bonding trip and I had so much fun on the trails and backcountry even though it was hard sometimes. Together we could accomplish anything!

Claire, California Explorer Student


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Group of people backpacking along the Lost Coast of California.

Ready to Enroll?

Tuition $5,295

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