California Discovery group photo

California Discovery

Enroll Now

Tuition $3,695





Jun 14 - Jun 23 Jun 26 - Jul 5

Backpack, Sea Kayak, Surf, Whitewater Raft

Arrival Location

San Francisco, CA

Departure Location

San Francisco, CA



Trip Overview

Discover the natural wonders of California, from Yosemite’s high peaks to the dramatic Pacific coast. The California Discovery program offers a true discovery of a wide-variety of outdoor adventures: splash in the waves of the Pacific Ocean during surf lessons, cool off in the American River with a day of whitewater rafting, and explore all that Lake Tahoe has to offer with day hikes and kayaking crystal blue waters! A highlight for many – embark on a 3-day overnight backpacking experience in Yosemite National Park! This section provides you with the opportunity to explore some of the more remote corners of this stunning National Park, famous for its ancient trees, granite cliffs, and waterfalls!

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Activity Highlights

  • Surf Half Moon Bay – 1 day
  • Backpack in Yosemite National Park – 3 days (overnight)
  • Whitewater Raft the American River – 1 day
  • Explore Lake Tahoe – 1 day
  • Sea Kayak Lake Tahoe – 1 day

Trip Price Includes

  • Accommodations
  • Activities
  • Meals
  • Group gear

Not Included

  • Personal gear and clothing
  • Airfare to and from the trip start and end
I learned that I am capable and the wilderness can be so fun. This trip changed my perspective of the outdoors and how we need to all take better care of it.

Sam, California Discovery Student


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Group of people backpacking along the Lost Coast of California.

Ready to Enroll?

Tuition $3,695

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