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133 results for “hawaii service”

Thailand Elephant Service

Our Thailand Service Adventure contains great examples of how we give back to each of our amazing destinations.

Wildlife-rich Adventures

Discover this majestic species up close and in person while sea kayaking on our Alaska Southeast and Alaska Community Service Adventures.

2010 Photo Contest Winners Announced

First Place Wins A WV Patagonia vest and a professionally bound photo album for each member of the group. 1st Place Winner: Peru Service Adventure, 7/16 - 8/5 Second

What’s the perfect trip length?

With more schools going later into June, and sports starting early in August, sometimes a two-week trip to Alaska, or the Tetons for a bit of Archaeology, or Hawaii makes

America's Cup Sets Sail -- and so can you.

Hawaii Kauai: While learning to sail off the Kona Coast, we’ll have opportunities to see amazing, shallow-water coral reefs, a myriad of colorful tropical fish, and giant