The most experienced student outdoor adventure program launches a dynamic new website.
We’ve just launched a new website that expands on the resources and information in our 2010 summer catalog. With features like interactive maps and enhanced trip search functions, the new WildernessVentures.com helps users browse and explore our many Leadership and Service Adventures, some of which still have select availability for the upcoming summer season.
“With so many distractions competing for the teenage attention span, we wanted the new site to convey both the fun and the substance of our programs,” says Wilderness Ventures Founder and Program Director Mike Cottingham, “The new site enables parents and perspective students to better learn about the best adventure travel opportunities available to today’s young men and women.”
About Wilderness Ventures:
In 1973, decades before the internet became the staple of communication that it is today, we began providing fun, leadership- and service-oriented adventure opportunities for young people. Since then, for the past 37 years, we’ve grown, mostly through word of mouth referrals, to offer active outdoor adventures in 12 states, 15 countries and 65 of the best and most beautifully preserved outdoor environments on the globe. We attract fantastic students (age 12 – 20, grouped according to age) who are excited about experiencing new environments and activities with great groups of young people in the most fun and immersive ways possible.
To learn more about our exciting teen adventure programs (and potential availability for the 2010 summer season), call 800-533-2281 or visit the new WildernessVentures.com.