Since 1973, Wilderness Adventures has been educating teens from all over the country the importance of sustainable travel and practices. By hosting summer camps for teens all over the world, we have encouraged the development of a better understanding and appreciation for what the world, especially nature, has to offer us.
With our zero-impact camping techniques, teens are able to reduce their carbon footprint, as well as give back to global communities by performing community service projects such as maintaining trails in America’s National Parks, to promoting a more sustainable agriculture in Thailand. No matter our destinations, our campers will work hard to ensure that they are taking part in important clean up projects.
Not only do our trips involve community service and the importance of giving back to our communities and environments, but we also specialize in reducing the impact on the environments and said communities with our travel. By our traveling on foot, by small boats, and in mall groups, we are teaching the importance of a more sustainable method of traveling. In addition, with the use of local guides, we can gain a better understanding of the culture and land.
All of our wilderness trips are designed with the idea of reducing our carbon footprint in mind. By planning activities that require minimal travel, we can ensure that we are reducing vehicle usage, as well as gasoline consumption. We also purchase much of our food in bulk to reduce unnecessary packaging waste.
By teaching our teens how to give back to the community and environment, as well as teach them about the importance of maintaining a more sustainable life, we can gain some hope that they will continue with their hard work and efforts in contributing towards the betterment of our planet.
With Wilderness Adventures, we guarantee to provide your teen with an experience that is not only beneficial to the environment, but helps to foster your teen’s independence and self-confidence, as well as develop a love of the great outdoors.