
It’s packing season! That means that summer is right around the corner and for you, the WA student, you should begin to embrace your first adventure with us: PACKING YOUR BAGS!
I remember receiving the WA packlist before my trip. At the time, I knew very little about the outdoors, let alone outdoor gear and clothing. Consequently, for about two months, my parents and I began to slowly tackle the packlist so I would be prepared when it came time to meet my group. In an effort to help you with your packing season, we have compiled this list of recommendations for you and your family so the compiling your supplies is not too daunting of a task.
- Start early! We are sending this blog in April in the hope that you will begin to chip away at this project. If you begin packing the night before your trip, you will likely forget something or get the wrong
- Do your research! The best advice we can give is to call us. We have experts on hand that can make adequate gear recommendations for every trip, every age and every size!
- Worried that you might grow out of something – rent from us. Our rental program is a great way for you to utilize great gear that will be ready for you upon your arrival.
- When you buy boots, waterproof them and break them in. The ‘breaking-in’ process is something that will actually take longer than wearing the boots around once-so give time for these boots to soften to your feet. Also, it is always great to try on all items. Make sure each item fits you well!
- The proper gear will last, so buy appropriately. 20 years ago, I went on my Wilderness Adventures trip. To this day, I still use my backpack, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, and long underwear. Much of the gear I did not mention, I had for 10 years or more. We took the time and bought items that would not only be durable through the trip, but also in the years to come. We have made it easy for many people to buy gear at great prices for reasonable prices-so consider purchasing from our Canteen.
- Make sure you have everything! With about a week to go, lay all of your items out on a tarp and lay it out so it is visible. (We will be doing this again when you arrive on your trip). Pull out the packlist and check off all items you have.
- Consider how much space you have. When packing, remember that we ask you to pack all items in one bag that will be checked with the airlines and you will carry on a day pack. In this day pack, you will want to have a change of clothes, a warm layer, any medications you might need, a book and a water bottle.
- Don’t overpack! It can become easy to overpack and add in items that you think you will likely need. Do not fall victim to this human emotion! Sure, bring that important picture of your family from home or your special journal, but you will not need 7 extra shirts and 14 pairs of extra socks.
Finally, embrace this part of the adventure. Packing for every trip, be it a Wilderness Adventures trip, or a personal overnight camping trip you are doing with your family should be fun, stress free and get you pumped for what lies ahead. We can’t wait to see you and your gear on the trail!