Wilderness Ventures offers the best marine biology camp experiences for teens. Our immersive outdoor adventures incorporate educational marine biology camp components in California, Australia, Belize, Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands.
Since 1973, one of the ways that Wilderness Ventures has been connecting students with the environments that we travel through is by participating in rewarding and meaningful service activities within those environments. On our adventures visiting a coastal environment, students lend a helping hand during our substantive marine biology camp components – each part of a carefully-crafted, muti-environment and multi-activity focused adventure experience.
California’s Monterey Bay: Stopping off at Monterey Bay Aquarium, students on our 6th-grade-specific California Explorer Adventure and 7th & 8th-grade-specific California Leadership Adventure learn about the marine biology and ecology of this beautiful marine habitat south of San Francisco. Then, in an integrated expedition aboard safe and stable, sit-atop sea kayaks, the carefully-supervised group ventures out onto the water to study the marine life first hand.
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef: Combining scuba certification with oceanic observation is one of the greatest benefits of studying marine biology on the Great Barrier Reef. The fortunate marine biology students on our Australia Fiji Adventure spend eight days scuba diving and studying the habitat of the Great Barrier Reef – earning their Padi Open Water Diver certifications in process.
Belize’s Precious Coral Reef: Helping with marine biology research on the world’s second largest coral reef, students help to conserve marine species on this reef habitat. As on the great barrier reef, students will be able to incorporate earning their scuba certification while assisting a local conservation organization in the study of this precious but protected habitat.
Costa Rica’s Nicoya Penninsula: Blending more exciting summer camp activities with substantive marine biology research, our teen adventure programs visiting Costa Rica spend three fun and rewarding days learning to both surf and to care for and protect the beach’s sea turtle population. As part of our help with this ongoing marine biology conservation camp project, we’ll conduct nightly beach patrols, protect sea turtle habitat and find ourselves lucky-enough to witness the turtles’ nocturnal egg laying.
Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands: Perhaps no destination personifies marine biology camp research like the Galapagos Islands. Students on our Ecuador and Galapagos Service adventure learn about the legacy of Charles Darwin and his historic marine biology camp research as part of this amazing 22-day adventure.
For more information on any of our unforgettable teen summer adventure camps and inspiring marine biology camps for teens, call 800-533-2281.